$11: Learn a valuable skill to increase your trading capital

You cannot have enough money. While consistently winning money will make sure that your trading capital grows, the more you can add to your trading capital the faster you become mega rich.

While day trading takes about 1-2 hours a day, our long term buy & hold strategy using puts & calls hardly takes time at all, executing only between 30-40 trades a year. That means that you have plenty of time to make more money!

If you are not yet making money, learn a valuable skill that you can exploit. The more money you make, the more money you can put into trading, the more money you make trading. And given that you cannot have enough money ever, this will always hold.

That is the reason why we offer the deal we offer. While we like to have more like-minded and great people join our trading group, we also like to make more money so we can increase our trading capital. We practise what we preach and our bonus command $11 is that you too ought to learn a valuable skill that you can exploit.



